McCurdy Group - Insurance and Financial Consultants

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Will Your Party Be Holiday Cheer or a Potential Lawsuit?

Most states have laws that govern the operation of bars, taverns, restaurants or any other business that is required to have a liquor license in order to sell and serve liquor. State laws further define the responsibilities of these business owners for the actions of their customers who leave their place of business after having too much to drink. These businesses are encouraged to purchase a Liquor Liability Insurance Policy to provide protection for potential lawsuits due to property damage or bodily injury caused by an intoxicated customer.

However, even you as a homeowner have the same exposures.
Many states extend liquor liability to any “social host” who continues to serve liquor to anyone who appears to have had too much to drink and will likely be driving home. So take these tips to heart:

If possible, have the party at a location other than your home.
Serve lots of food and non-alcoholic drinks.
Have someone keep an eye on your guests, to recognize when someone has had too much alcohol.
Keep an eye on everyone as they leave the party to determine whether or not they are sober enough to drive.
Make arrangements for transportation for those who shouldn’t get behind the wheel of a vehicle.
You may even want to consider an "alcohol free"
Christmas party. You will just have to weigh the advantage of alcohol over the potential for lawsuits due to bodily injury that might result from the actions of an intoxicated party guest.